The entry game should feature an NFT Collection on to be eligible for application in this category
All the games submitted to Ortak x B.F.T.H. Arena 3.0 in the Best Online Casino Game and Best FTN Casino Game, should feature one or more of the following brand motifs: FTN, Mr. First, Bahamut and AKN EYE. The brand motifs should be 5-10% of the visible playing screen.
All the entries submitted in the Best Ortak Casino Game, Best Ortak Live Casino Game, Best Ortak Slot Game and Best Ortak Crash Game should have games as NFT collections live on before submission deadline. The collection can be sold-out before the new Ortak x B.F.T.H. Arena 3.0 announcement. The above mentioned categories might not feature any of the four brand motifs. However, if the participant’s game has ever been available on as an NFT collection AND also features any of the four brand motifs no less than 5-10% of the visible playing screen, it can apply for more than 1 category.
The participants are eligible to choose the category(s) of the entry while submitting, however, the organisers keep the right to switch the category of a submitted game, if it does not correspond to the rules and requirements listed here. The participant will be informed about any category changes beforehand of the amendment.
All the materials listed in the Application Materials & Formats sections should be fully provided in a timely manner to exclude the possibility of a technical issue, time zone discrepancy or missing item. The entries that fail to match all the listed requirements until the declared deadlines will not be featured in Ortak x B.F.T.H. Arena 3.0.
All the entries should have gone live by the submission deadline, Oct 31st, 2024 23:59 GMT+4. Until then, a demo link should be provided. If the participant fails to provide the entry’s live link until the mentioned deadline, it will be automatically eliminated from the voting and disqualified.